Friday, March 7, 2014

One Month Old

Mister Oliver is already a month old. We don't have much to blog about these days due to the lovely weather which has mostly kept us inside (I don't think -12 wind chills are suitable for a newborn). Target and Buy Buy Baby have seen lots of us, as a little shopping always helps break up the day.
Oliver is a really good baby, he cries when hungry or wet and other than that he is content just taking in the world. Maelin is loving that he is a bit more interactive and has been taking good care of her the little guy. 

She also has been super busy with a transition to a new classroom. She is learning Mandarin and Spanish (her preferred language is Spanish) and also how to public speak. Each week she needs to bring in something for show and tell and present to the class. This week was the letter "D" so she brought in a stuffed dog. When her teacher asked her where she got it from, her response was "my bed." The teacher obviously was wondering if it was a gift and/or who it was from, ha!

Valentine's Day Face Painting
The finished product
Bath Time
Post bath fuzz ball hair, my favorite

Playmat fun
Our first walk outside in the baby carrier, Oliver was astounded by fresh air!
Running errands, lost all patience and had to eat and be changed in the car...oy!
Tummy Time
Just relaxing

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