Thursday, February 28, 2013


Maelin has been a ball of energy lately, she is a ton more adventurous and is thrilled that she discovered she can run and throw.  She claims she is faster than Begley.......we have a bit more training to do before that can actually be true.

This energy seems to be in full effect at nap time.  Maelin will get out of her bed, open the door and come tell me she is "all done".  I now have to stand outside the door and hold the knob, sometimes for 30-45 minutes (thank goodness for the kindle app on my phone).  This is a HUGE waste of my time but we cannot find a safety knob for our type of door handle.  Eventually, she gives up and will take a nap, whether it be in her bed or on her rocking chair.  This is how I found her the other day.......

Passed out

 Other days nap time is super easy

 Fun in the school gym, Maelin throws the ball, runs and picks it up and takes a seat

 She scores - this picture made my day!

 Channeling some energy at home

 Baby got back!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Winter In the City

Looks like this blog went from weekly to seasonal (except we skipped fall).  Needless to say, things have been super busy with us, but I won't bore you with the details.

Maelin has gone from a slow moving baby to a crazy talking toddler over the last seven months. She has moved into a toddler bed, sits in a booster seat (no more highchair which is great space saver), and now has a posse of friends that includes a dog, bear, frog, baby, sheep, Curious George, Emmy the doll and Bob, all of which need to be in her bed at night.  The bug also has lots to say basically every second of the day, which is pretty entertaining.  Her favorite is to tell Brett or me to go "bye bye" when she wants to play alone or if we are taking to long to tuck her in at night - she gets annoyed and simply says "bye bye mama, bye bye dada".  What has not changed is her ability to sleep and eat!

Picture overload below......

 Bob and the Blanket, finding a comfy place to rest

 Found the perfect resting spot

 Laughing with her talking dog - Scout

 Walking Begley

 Wagon Ride

 Shopping for doors at the Home Depot

 Happy in her chair from Santa

 Books and Buddies

 The frog and Bob, her absolute favorite combo

 Big girl bed

 Headed out to school

 Just hanginig

Digging for food

Aside from all her stuffed friends, Begley is still Maelin's favorite friend.  The other night, she thought he was cold and took out every dish towel from the kitchen drawer and piled them on him.  She applauded herself when complete and showed us "begley's blanket".  Poor dog is so starved for attention he didn't even bother to move and ruin her fun.

Working on giving Begley a blanket

The final product