Monday, April 25, 2011

The Many Faces of Maelin Olivia

Its been a crazy few weeks, hence the lack of updates.  We have finally moved back home, Maelin Olivia has settled into her room and Begley is very happy to have his yard back.  Brett and I have been non-stop unpacking boxes and getting everything back into order.  As of today, we have successfully unpacked all boxes, except many things remain randomly scattered throughout....sigh.

Maelin Olivia is already almost 7 weeks. At her month check up she measured in the 95th percentile in height and 75th percentile in weight....crazy to think somehow we have a "long" baby.  I am guessing this will be one of the few times she is considered tall.....seeing as I have NEVER been referred to as tall (except by my Grandma) and Brett is average at 5'10"

I have avoided getting "sprayed" but the girl can create powerful explosions that never seize to amaze us.  There have been numerous very humorous incidences and all seem to happen on me or on my watch.  Brett has lucked out so far but I am hoping she saves a super gross and messy one for him.

Over the weeks Maelin Olivia has started to show a bit of her personality.  We have tried to capture this through her many strange, hilarious and sometimes creepy faces.

Tired Smile!!!!!
SUPER Pissed Off!!!
What in the world is that?

AHHH, that felt great, time for a diaper change
Comatose and showing my multiple chins (yikes)
Wide awake and ready to go
Seriously, stop taking my picture

Smiling sweet for everyone starring at me

Monday, April 4, 2011

Calming a fussy Maelin

 Little Maelin is almost a month old and for the most part has been a good baby.  She however has her VERY FUSSY moments which can prove to be quite exhausting.  We have tried just about everything to calm her screams....some we learned from Grandma and others we learned by mistake.  Below is a summary of what we discovered over the last few weeks!

Grandma Sue showed us this hold which Maelin took a liking to
Brett improvised Grandma Sue's hold and Maelin also liked this one

 After a shower one day I was holding a fussy Maelin and the minute I walked in the sun, she passed out! I guess the the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

The mamaroo swing and her elephant pacifier

LONG walks in the baby bjourn.  This is what she looks like when removed.  Her mouth even holds the form of her nuk

 After a good feeding!