Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sleeping and Puppy Fun

Based on observation of other babies Maelin hangs with, she is lazy in comparison (this has also been confirmed by her daycare).  She would much prefer to view the world sitting up (with assistance) and make baby noises either at another baby or just to herself......opposed to her friends who are rolling over and some are even scooting.  Sometimes I wonder if maybe she is to chunky to roll :)

Sleeping is a different story though, this is when she is on the move.  We have a video monitor downstairs  and every time we turn it on to take a peek, Maelin is in a different sleeping position.  I find this amusing so decided to snap a few pics (no worries, the bright flash did not make this lazy girl wake up or even flinch).  Please note, these pictures were all taken within a 20 minute time period.


Kicking Back.....her leg is crossed over the other and she is just catching ZZZ's

Hoisting her legs up between the bars...this cannot be comfy

On a very unrelated note, last week Maelin and I went out to lunch with some girlfriends.  One of my friends brought her 4 month old little puppy, was love at first site.  Buster also came to visit this weekend but this time only cared to play with Begley.  

Loves puppy licks

Cannot get enough of his fluffy fur

Monday, August 15, 2011

The new way to cry

Recently when Maelin gets tired she starts to spit/blow bubbles/vibrate her lips (I'm not exactly sure how to describe it).  We are terrible parents because the other night we sat downstairs laughing at the baby monitor while the poor girl struggled with the decision to cry or do this thing with her mouth......she figured out sleep was better than both. Here is a video of what we see when buggy gets tired.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Daycare Blowout

Last week I had dressed Maelin in a cute little yellow romper for daycare. When we went to pick her up that night, I had noticed while walking in that she had a white onsie on in place of the romper.  This has happend quite a few times before and typically has meant that she just spit up or peed herself.  We soon learned that neither was the case and she had a major blowout during story time on the carpet.  Apparently it was so nasty and bad that the girl needed a bath and the carpet a good scrubbing.

Enjoying a good clean after a nasty mess.....she doesn't seem too embarrassed about what she did 

Pooping all over the classroom that day wasn't good enough for Maelin, to top it off, she also peed all over her teacher......only at 5 months can you have no remorse or embarrassment for pooping all over story time and spraying your teacher with pee!

Some other fun pictures from the past couple weeks

Hanging with Dad

Her new favorite obsession....Begley

Lots and lots of tummy time.....