Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Hood Experiment - Part I (pre-baby) - The Start of Nursery Design

About a week ago Brett and I found ourselves with one full day with nothing on the agenda (this never happens).  We took advantage of this time and decided to start nursery design.  The baby's room is going to be what is/was our office.  We spent some time moving the office furniture and found the perfect new space for all the items (a bit more crammed, but we can deal).

After the move, we hit up the store and got baby girl some furniture and ordered her crib online, which much to our surprise was in stock and delivered three days later.  Having boxes laying around the house is something that drives me nuts, so part of the weekend was filled with furniture assembling.

When the crib was complete, Begley JUST HAD to test it out......he actully took a liking to it and later was found under the crib.......I think he wanted to get back in but settled for under and got his big puggle body stuck!

I went downstairs after the assembling was complete to get Brett to show off my work.....this is what I found:

  In all fairness, Brett was very productive when not napping:)
Lots more nursery work to be done, but for now, at least there aren't any more boxes.  Next, we need to get a mattress, some bedding and choose the wall decor.  I have found a new obsession, Jonathan Adler, and plan to use many of his designs in the new space.

Aside from nursery design, we are also happy to share that all is still well and healthy for baby girl, everything is on track and she is continuing to grow!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Popper Stoppers

These are hilarious, they really do have everything for pregnant woman.  I will be investing in a few of these over the next three months :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Hood Experiment - Part I (pre-baby) - Baby Registering and Morphing


So things are coming along with us and all seems to be going well and everyone is feeling good.  Baby is growing and we assume this because my belly button looks like it might pop out very very soon.  Brett finds this absolutely hilarious and I do NOT, as belly buttons, along with toes and veins really creep me out! I might have to put a bandaid over it for the next few months :(

We realized the other day that this pregnancy is already half over and February 28th is going to be here before we know it, YIKES.  We weren't sure where to begin this process of preparing for a baby but since some baby showers are marked on the calendar, we thought it would be best to begin registering!  The city of Chicago seems to only specialize in expensive boutique baby stores so drove to the burbs and hit up one of the big baby superstores.  Neither of us had any clue what to expect, all we could relate to was registering for our wedding, but even that is different because we had a better sense of what we needed.

What I had learned from wedding registering is that Brett LOVES to register and loves the price gun, so of course, when the  gun was offered, he grabbed immediately and headed towards the first aisle.  He had lots of fun and just about scanned everything!!!!  I would walk away for a bit and all I could hear was that scanner working over time.........thank goodness registry lists can be edited online.

The aisles just seemed endless, neither of us realized how many things there are for babies.  We got to the bottle aisle and were both totally overwhelmed, there are seriously a million different types of bottle brands to choose from.  Then there were wipe warmers (really?) and aisles of blankets and bibs.....who knew there was a receiving blanket (I still don't know what this is) and a stroller blanket (this one I can figure out).  Oh well, we tried our best and hopefully did ok.  Worst case scenario, after baby girl is born, one of us might need to make an emergency trip to the store to get something we forgot.  Thanks though to a very good (and experienced) friend for reviewing my list and making some helpful suggestions, she may have had a good laugh at some random items :)


We had asked our parents to send us baby pictures from the day we were born, as it is always fun to imagine what the baby will look like.  Well after receiving both pictures we got a very good laugh at baby Crissy and decided we hope baby girl takes more after her Dad than her Mom:) Of course then I had to go one more step further and use a morphing website.......well you can see the result of that baby below also.

Baby Brett (very angelic)
Baby Crissy (hmmm)

Morphed Baby (hahaha)